Saturday, December 26, 2009


Something dawned on me today: Christmas is over. Somehow, this year, christmas only seem to last one day. It wasn't a season for me. Technically, Christmas lasted one night for me on the eve when my aunts and uncles came over for a gathering and dinner. However, it wasn't anything especially special because I see them quite regularly. The most special and of course the one thing I look forward to during Christmas was the gifts. Really appreciate my brother for buying me a new bag. Few days back my mum asked me what I wanted for xmas and I told her I needed a bag because mine had holes in them. It was really heartwarming when my brother told me he had already gotten one for me. Guess that is what you call the Christmas spirit.

However, I felt really weird because all I did was to receive. Somehow, as I grow older, I feel the need to give to people. Although I'm not earning any income, I feel a bit left out seeing my mum and brother giving presents out. Something I can't explain...

Anyway, I was trying to take a nap and suddenly gained some insight...
I realised that in any group or community, somehow one person will behave different from the others. And that person would be the "outcast". Everywhere I go, I never fail to spot this phenomenon. Sometimes I ask around to see what is so "scary" or "evil" about this person but the points mentioned are mostly very subjective. However, human nature kicks in such that people will go with the flow and "outcast" this person. Till now I still wonder how this mechanism works, how the brain decides to dislike this person even though no tangible harm has been posed. Mysteries of this world I guess. Well, this is all I thought about because I do not want to harp on the sadness of the world.

Time to return to my nap...ZZZ

Thursday, December 03, 2009

I'm blogging again!

Phew, I don't know why but suddenly had the urge to start blogging again. I guess end of exams is really making me feel very bored and useless.

Well, since it's been so long since I've posted any entries, I shall summarise the past few years of my life. Ok, the last post was when I was still in SISPEC, training to be a 3SG. Well, everything turned out fine, albeit not what I hoped and wished for. I got posted to 1 Guards, which is supposed to be pretty tough physically. However, now that I've left the army, I think it was more mentally draining than physical. The feeling I experienced every Sunday before I booked in was indescribable. I really dreaded the idea of keeping myself there for one week. I still shudder at the thought of that. Anyway, life was pretty much smooth sailing as I neared my ORD. It was really quite exhilarating to leave the army life.

An unforgettable chapter of my life I went to work part-time at Mount Elizabeth where I met very nice Da Jie Apple. Hehe. Well, not forgetting Sau Hua, Jacqueline, Peijun and Weiling and of course Mrs Vi! A very nice group of people to work with. A very well-spent 3 months and I was off to NTU!

Next chapter, Uni life. Just to update, I'm currently studying Business with plans to major in Banking and Finance. And I'm staying in Hall 14! The Freshman Orientation Camp was really fun and I made a lot of new friends. Coming to this topic I'm feeling a bit down cos there is such a huge possibility that many of them are not going to stay in hall next year. After so much fun times spent together, I'm afraid that we will become strangers again next year. And I don't have close friends in NBS too...

Ok, exams finished about a week ago, to many people's envy. I would say that I was one of the first in NTU to finish their exams. BUT, life had to play with laptop was already faulty quite some time ago and I sent it for repair on the first day of exams, hoping that they would come back soon after my exams were over. BUT, calling them just on Monday led to the info that the parts would only arrive on 9 Dec and my comp could only be done earliest by 10 Dec. It was like a part of me died with my laptop, or rather the death was prolonged.

Anyway, many thanks to Haowen, who is out enjoying while lending me his computer. Hurrays.

Phew, long time since I typed so much...till next time, Adieu