Saturday, September 29, 2007

Nothing Much To Do Today

Suddenly decided to come over to see how my blog is coming along. Only now I realised how long it has been since I've blogged. Ever since my J2 common test. How time have passed me by... I'm already half a year into my army life (somewhere there).
Anyway, looking at my common test result which I so shamefully posted, I'm actually quite glad that my hard work paid off even if it was only for half a year. Ended up with AAABB3, which is like infinitely (or just many times) better than the sh*tty result of common test.
Frankly speaking, reading my previous posts, I'm not really sure whether it was really me who typed those stuff, it just doesn't sound like me. I guess the army really changed me or I just become another person when I'm blogging.
So much things have happened in my hiatus (from blogging that is). I've completed my A levels, cleared it with what many people would call flying colours (when I feel that I can do better though). Then I entered the army, serving the nation( not of my free will ). Now on a course to become a 3rd sergeant, which I really hope I can pass smoothly (i.e. passing my Standard Obstacles Course and going through route marches and field camps). What torture my body has undergone for the past half a year with no obvious results.
Reading my previous posts, I really wanna go back to studying, somehow I can cope with mental pressure better than physical. And this army thing really makes me feel as if I have no more social life. Sitting here in front of my computer, I feel strangely lonely when in the past I could just spend hours in front of the computer chatting with friends and feel so relaxed. But seriously, the army makes you want to spend more time with family and friends for most of the time in camp you're not with them, which also explains the feeling I'm getting right now cos its only me and my comp.
Well, I'm gonna end here, guess I wrote quite a lot. And I don't think anybody is gonna read this too, given that this blog has been so stagnant that several generations of mosquitoes could have been bred in water like this. Attempting some lame comment.