Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My character

went arnd to find out wat kind of person I am, according to my nature. (capricorn and blood A)
maybe that's why I'm such a good listener at times and cherish my brothers so dearly...a little bhb but who cares..haha
"Obedient, Careful, Sympathetic, Self-Sacrificing, Polite, Honest, Loyal, Emotional, Introverted & Nervous.
Are reserved calm and even tempered. Sensitive to public opinion. May be Introverted, shy and nervous or ill at ease with others. May be Pessimistic. Value relationships and are loyal. Hesitant to change. Nature lovers and dislike crowds - need a private place or secret hideaway. Can be indecisive. Good at team work and obey rules.
Dislike to touch or be touched by others."
got that from the net...sounds quite true in fact. so pple, tell me if u see me displaying these traits...testing it out.
haowen told me to write something more meaningful, so here it is.
Search others for their virtues, and thyself for thy vices. --- Thomas Fuller
bye bye.


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